Freelancer Script
Freelancer Clone PHP Script With Special Features for Employers
By admin on Jan 15 2020

Freelancing platform is growing at an expeditious speed as people are becoming self-sufficient. This factor is solely responsible for the increasing demand for freelancers in the market. As a result, there is a rush in the freelancing market as more and more people prefer to be a part of it. There is a continuous rise in its demand as it helps an individual balance their personal and professional life. This situation prepares the ground for the occurrence of a freelancer clone PHP script.
So, if you think in this way, that you can act as a connection between the two by bridging the gap. Creating such a platform can be a fruitful option for earning profit. The stage is designed online by creating a website from the freelancers. Nowadays, website making is not a complicated, time consuming and expensive affair instead you can own software that will help you launch your startup within a few hours.
To enjoy the benefit, speak to an expert that will help you with the freelancer clone PHP script or the premade software to launch your business site. Being the owner of a website, you must know how a website works. The owner has to explain employer features as well as the employee's feature when users land on their page for performing the essentials. Given below are the features that employers will get on using the freelancer clone PHP script.
What are the special features for employers using freelancing websites?
Posting a project
Employers have the space to describe and express their requirements related to a project. If they post for an hourly project, then they can hire multiple professionals for accomplishing the task. On the other hand, they have the opportunity of sending an invitation to reliable freelancers, informing about the onset of the project and if they are interested in it. There are several other fields for the employer which can help them in a better way.
Promoting the project
As soon as the project is posted, promotion is a necessity to provide proper exposure, so that freelancers can find the job and begin to bid. Employers have the option to tag it as a featured, urgent requirement, or mentioning the deadline related to it. Specified information attracts professionals to bid and work for such projects.
Dashboard for the employers
Being the employer, you are required to login to your account. Here you will be able to see the status of your active projects along with the others. It has notifications about the contractors that are working on your project. There is a stat that helps the employer to understand the position of the venture with a glimpse. So, employers are aware of what is going on and regular development on the projects.
Send an invitation to a freelancer
The way an employer is looking for a professional, similarly the freelancer is also searching for the projects. Specialists are highly selective about the work they do, so they wait for the right project and employer to take on the responsibility. In such a situation, if you send a proposal to the expert, they will revert shortly with a positive response and agree to do the work.
Sorting out the bids
Employers receive plenty of bids on the projects they publish. With so many options, choosing the right craftsmen is a difficult task. But, a website that is built from freelancer clone PHP script has the required characteristic to choose the professionals based on their track record or work experience. You have the prospect of choosing the worker based on different kinds of parameters.
Use of the milestone
When hiring freelancers for finishing a job, time is the main factor that has to be scrutinized. At the time of the project assignment, freelancers are informed about the deadline and their payment as they progress with their job. Employers can easily track the position with the help of an amazing feature known as the milestone.
Selection of the freelancer
Employers are the best judge to understand what kind of work they need and the right professional that can help them finish the project in the best possible way. With the use of the best freelancer clone script, you have the chance to pick the freelancer according to your requirements.
Freelancing websites that are developed using freelancer clone PHP script provides an array of benefit not only to the admin but the employers and employees too.
Best Freelancer Script has designed the freelancer clone PHP script intending to provide an extraordinary experience to the users. People that are looking for support, need the script or have any doubt may contact us immediately. We’ll feel happy to help you!